Wednesday, October 18, 2006

TV Ain't for Idiots

My favorite part of good TV is good dialogue:

Here, some favorite snippets:

The West Wing, Season 1, Lord John Marbury
Lord John Marbury: When we had a problem with someone, one solution that we would try is to make him a Maharajah; it's a kind of a regional king, and we would pay him off with an annual tribute and in return he would be loyal to the crown.

Leo McGarry: Lord Marbury, under our constitution the president is not empowered to create Maharajahs.

Lord John Marbury: Yes, thank you for clearing that up, Leo, having been educated at Cambridge and the Sorbonne, I am, as you know, exceedingly stupid.

Josh Lyman: No. You're listening to me, but you're not understanding me.
Toby Ziegler: No, I'm disagreeing with you. That doesn't mean I'm not listening to you or understanding what you're saying - I'm doing all three at the same time.

President Josiah Bartlet: Sweden has a 100% literacy rate. 100%! How do they do that?
Leo McGarry: Maybe they don't and they also can't add.

More to come when I'm less tired...

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