Tuesday, October 17, 2006

10 things I'm thinking about today.

1. My hair smells like heaven.

2. I'm now (partially) employed.

3. In reference to #3, God is good.

4. I tithed this week...on money I don't have. I'm not sure how this is possible in the space/time continuum, but I did it.

5. I have my interview tonight for The Experiment.

6. I need to get my hair cut today. I have terrible split ends.

7. I went to Mexico this past weekend and painted 3 rooms. I had paint splatters on my face, arms, legs, shoes, socks, pants, shirt eyelids, eyelashes and hair. Eric said I looked like Xena: Warrior Princess when a splat fell on my left cheek and I smeared it by wiping it away. Most of it is off my body and my shoes now, but if you look closely at my right hand, there are still little white speckles of primer all over. I mostly heeded the warnings not to drink the water, except I think a little got into my food somehow.

8. I love Metamucil fiber caplets. (See #7)

9. BitTorrent is just amazing. Not nearly as fast as the old Napster, but it's great for when I've missed Gilmore Girls due to Tuesday tennis.

10. I have to check my heart with people. I get frustrated and resentful when people don't live up to my expectations instead of accepting their limitations. Usually the case is that I need to lower my expectations and live that way consistently with the person or let those people go who can't meet my expectations of what a relationship is. This is a hard decision to make. I want to stick it out with people even when they disappoint me. But ultimately, this only hurts me and lowers my self-esteem. I am worthy of more than the path of least resistance. I am worthy to be pursued.

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