Sunday, January 15, 2006

I love my home

I know how prosaic it is to love one's home, but I really do love my home. I didn't really have a stationary home for most of my life, so I love my home now. And that's saying a lot after 16 days spent mostly on the couch watching the Gilmore girls and the West Wing on DVD. Although, I am getting better and did put my cute outfit to good use today helping my mom shop for work clothes. And right near the cash register she scored a beautiful blue suede jacket for 40 bucks. I almost scored one myself before I remembered that I am unemployed and without health insurance and just netted myself a lot of medical bills due to the skiing accident that knocked me on my butt for a month. C'est la vie. But tonight, I had had a good moderately tiring day and then spent the evening in ambient lighting watching the West Wing season wrap-up under a blanket and it was lovely. Our Christmas tree is still up, because we are celebrating right through the end of January and nothing is better in the mildest of California winters than pretending 60 degrees is cold weather and curling up for some down time.

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