Friday, January 20, 2006

Home alone, home alone - jiggity jig

Well, the good news is that my hip is healing. I don't have the chronic spasms and pain anymore, just a funny twitching when I sit for too long and it wakes me up in the middle of the night. But now my neck is coming into play. Since I've been sitting on one hip for so long, my back is all twisted up and starting to ache, and my neck never really got much treatment since being in the collar.

I am home alone for tonight and tomorrow night which is an odd experience. I think we are meant to live with people. And right now while being unemployed, I don't really get out of the house anyway, so I feel like I'm just living alone inside the box of my house for hours on end. It's a little "Lost in Translation"-esque and not really my cup of tea. But it tests my endurance and my resourcefulness to entertain myself and that can't be all bad.


Blogger 1.0 said...

resourceful is definitely a word i would use to describe you, my friend; along with countless others like...industrious, boisterous, a little sassy...and well...lush is the other that comes to mind =) DNF

Dawn Miller said...
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