Sunday, January 22, 2006


I remember being a girl and whenever I would get new clothes, I would think about saving the clothes for a "special" occasion. I think I had become the same way with money before this past October. And then something happened. I think I just got tired of waiting for someday and realized that all of our resources are meant to be used. God intends for us to invest them out in life, into people, into taking risks that might flop (which mine did) and the point is not the one special day at the end of my life when I'll be wearing that great outfit that I've saved and finally take that big risk and jump out into doing what I am meant to do. The point is today. The point is everyday from now until my death, to make sure the resources I have, my love and my energy and my clothes and my money are serving me so I can serve and do what God wants me to do. And what does He want me to do? I think first and foremost, He wants me to LIVE. (Because I am lush.) I am a vibrant person and sometimes I forget all the hope that lies before me and I let my life flicker or wane and I can't. I can't let myself be extinguished by the crimes that have been done to me. I can't let myself be dampened by the lies that have been told to me. And beyond living, I think I am called to sound the trumpet that calls people to worship. I am prophetic and compassionate, and I know the real God who never needed His own licensed merchandise, so for me that means not kicking anyone off the road towards heaven and trying, when the moment presents itself, to help people around me when their lives are getting obliterated, who are slipping off that road. I am called to love them until they can love themselves back into loving Jesus. That is my calling.

And can someone please search Monster for the job that fits these skills? Cause I want to work. Thanks.

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