Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Ok, so I have to have a little vignette about high school, because everything today is just too coincidentally focused on high school. I saw this guy who I was friends with in high school and it was very strange, because you know, it takes you back and I started thinking all about how we change, and in high school I was such a different person (BLONDE!) and yet so much the same me was there too. And I was thinking about all the people I used to care about so much, my "cool" group of friends and how important their opinions were to me. I think I have finally reached that place where all the hurt is gone and now I just feel okay and maybe a little nostalgic about it. And then I read some other people's blogs about high school, and it made me realize what a pivotal time it was. I also realize how all the things that I thought were so important back then, like which college to choose, aren't really as important as they seemed. I think I wish sometimes I could go back and do some things over, not out of regret, I mean seriously just to relive it for kicks! I had such a fun and dramatic life. Anyways, so I guess cloudy days do this to me. So no more trips down memory lane for awhile. On the last note, I was thinking about how none of my friends in high school were Christian and our lives really are a blip in eternity and maybe none of them will go to heaven. I don't really know what to do with that thought, but there it is.

Transitioning to other thoughts I've been having: I was thinking today about how when you're a new Christian everyone likes and adopts you into their realms of friends, because their proud to have you around and show other people that they're "growing" by bringing people to Christ, be that by church membership, by "praying the prayer", or by any other way of growing the group. And I was pondering how when you're that person, everyone loves you. And it's so hard for those people who are the adopted and loved, to understand why the other people might feel burned or just want to get away from all the cooing. I think I can speak on this topic because I have been on both sides, and I think finally, I am learning to accept both people's perspectives for what they are, and not feel compelled to change anyone's pattern. Everyone has to be where they are, and they can't be anywhere else, even if you really want them to. Don't get me wrong, I am still very guilty of wanting people to change, even myself, and I think that is necessary for growth, but it has to be where that person can grow and it has to be in an acceptable time.

Enough soliloquy for now...

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