Sunday, August 12, 2007


People love the MC. Ever since I have known of him, I think this has been true. But tonight I got the full experience of it at a sweet gathering. I'll be honest - I think there are just a certain kind of people that other people will always respond to with that kind of rallying support and I don't really feel like that would ever happen for me. Whenever I am around someone who is universally loved like that, I struggle between being swept into liking them too and also wondering why God didn't make me someone who a lot of people would rally around. However, I am so happy for my friend and glad to see God transforming him and sending him out.

I am mostly overwhelmed by seeing all the people from our old Crusade group. I feel like it is similar to seeing people you were in a war with. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that we went through something I don't feel like other people can relate to. It was a very particular time with particular circumstances that were pretty tumultuous. And yet even now I see so much fruit from it. I see so many from our small group that have a heart for missions and for healing and mainly to see the gospel lived out all over the globe. I am generally not that optimistic, I tend to err on the side of realism, and it generally takes a lot to encourage me, but I was genuinely encouraged tonight by the legacy of our little group. And I was also touched by how easily I slip back into the comfort of being with people who knew me when I was first discovering redemption.

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