Sunday, February 11, 2007

It's going to be the best Valentine's day ever because I'm dating Jesus!

Note: I've noticed that I start a lot of sentences with "So", "And" and "But". Therefore, I am working on editing that bad grammar out in honor of my past English teachers who turn over in their graves every time I do this. While I agree that those who are six feet under might like a turn now and then, I do not want to be responsible for a Thriller-like rise from the dead. If you catch me using these bad sentence starters in the future, please feel free to nag. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

It's going to be the best Valentine's day ever because I'm dating JESUS. Yup, it's true. I actually went on a date with Jesus today. Now if you've heard other people say this before and wanted to throw up, you're not alone. I have wanted to bash those people over the head with a foam Nerf bat. It's so freakin cheesy when they say it. But I have to admit, I did it. I purposefully focused this Saturday on clearing away all the little chores and stuff I had to do so that my whole Sunday would be free. I sabbathed all day and it was great. As I was walking at a park down on the Peninsula I saw all these couples being extra cozy and I thought about each one, "That girl's just sucking up cause she wants jewelry for Valentine's day." Cause seriously, what else could have been causing that level of PDA? As I was thinking about this, I realized that I don't have a date for Valentine's day, no great boyfriend and yet I am perfectly happy. Instead of spending time with a guy today, I spent time with Jesus and it felt awesome. All the things I did today are things I would do or have done on dates; watching a movie, getting coffee, taking a long walk, hanging out by the beach, lying on a blanket in the park. I realized they were just as good or even better than some dates I have been on because I did them with Jesus. He was more attentive than some dates have been, He listened much better, He talked to me in a more personal caring way and there was no risk of remorse about the time I spent with Him or what we did. How lovely it was. This might be borderline multiple personality disorder, but I started to look forward to Valentine's Day so much, I thought about letting Jesus buy me Valentine's flowers. Is that crazy? If it is, I must be, because it makes me really happy and hopeful thinking about it.

I feel truly happy because I realized I'm in a relationship that is ultimately satisfying and I never have to suck up to get presents. I love love. And I love a day that celebrates love. Happy early Valentine's Day!

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