Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm sick

Since day 2 in New Orleans, I have had this awful sore throat. It was kind of bad the Saturday we got back (the 18th)and then seemed to be getting better. But yesterday it got a ton worse so I went to the doctor this morning and basically, I am instructed not to leave the house for 3 days. I am waiting for the strep test results, which I should hopefully get tomorrow. I think part of me has thought that since I spent a majority of this year dealing with the aftermath of my skiing accident, that God wouldn't be so awful as to let me get sick or injured again. I'm so tired of spending time in impersonal and cold doctor's offices. But I guess the challenge to be healthy and take care of myself will never be over until the end of my life. So I'm trucking along and trying not to worry that this will be another big expensive problem.

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