Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ooo...some new things I just love!

So, I know you're supposed to love people, and I do, but there are some new things I've discovered that I just love. And this week was especially hard in the actual life department, so I am choosing to live in denial and focus on the totally trivial aspects of my existence that nonetheless give me totally temporal moments of joy. In no particular order...

1. Wait! Wait!...Don't Tell Me. It's a news quiz call-in show on NPR. I'm not sure when it's actually broadcast in this area, but you can download the podcast for free on iTunes. It is freaking hilarious. Basically what happens is they bring three B-level celebrities or newsmakers on as the panel and the host moderates a quiz where an audience member calls in and is quizzed on news events of the week by the host and the panel commentates and essentially plays Whose Line is it Anyway? during the quiz. They do this all in front of a live audience in some concert hall so you get the added joy of seeing the chops in action. When the news is especially crazy, you get a lot of attitude from the panel, they do impressions, they recite limericks, if you're lucky someone ends up singing and general chaos ensues. I love it!

2. Classical music. There is nothing like an aria or a sonata when life is bringing me to the breaking point. I downloaded this entire album from iTunes called The Most Relaxing Music Ever on Piano. First, I thought it was slow, but once you get slowed down to hear the notes, the music takes on a whole intense life of its own. Second, the entire album of 16 songs was like 5 bucks and some of the songs are 11 or 12 minutes long. I am so loving it!

3. Stock options. I have been living very close to the line financially, but still trying to suck it up as much as possible and sock away some cash into my portfolio. I've almost made back all the money they charged for my first few transaction fees. And that's not a little change. So I've got some cash just sitting out there. If you have any recommendations about where I should invest next, let me know.

4. The sky. Today's sky was the most beautiful I have seen in a long while. Sunshiney. Clear. White puffy clouds. A nice summer temperature, but not too hot. A breeze blowing. Days like today make me not want to go to heaven because I feel like it has come down to me.

5. PJ pants. Because nothing says comfort like PJ pants. And my new ones have palm trees and hibiscuses on them. So fun!

6. Museums. I literally have dreams about museums. Nothing is more stunning to me than a big spare room with white halls and those cool dramatic lights trained on some big painting. I am a fan of most art, but I am partial to artists who paint BIG.

7. Teeth. Yes, this is weird. But I love my teeth. And I love people who have all their teeth and people who smile with all their teeth. White and shiny.

8. TV on DVD. Because I never need to see another commercial again. I already love lots of products and plan to continue using lots of products til I die. But with TV on DVD, I don't have to be forced to listen to commercials endlessly encouraging me to buy things I'm already going to buy or irritating me because they're advertising things I have not and will never buy. I prefer to be left alone to gather my own information, so TV on DVD rocks. When one segment ends, there's this beautiful little black pause and then up comes the next. Lovely. If I had invented TV, this is how it always would have been.

9. Making lists. It's clear, it easy, it puts all your thoughts on one page, and you can stop whenever you like.

What things are you just absolutely in love with?

1 comment:

Kat said...

I'm sorry, you're just hilarious! And you remind me so much of myself.