Wednesday, June 07, 2006

9 Reasons I'm Not and Will Never Be Captivated by 'Captivating'

1. No knight is coming for me. Just a sinful human guy who forgets to change the toilet paper roll. (Well, at least I hope he's coming. Either way, Jesus already did.) And yes, he should stand up for me and protect me, but if I can't already do that for myself as a single person, then why would he respect me enough to pursue me?

2. God is not "longing" for me. He does not "need" me to fill a role he is unable to fill.

3. God's master plan for my life is not to "romance" me. Contrary to popular belief and those annoying t-shirts: It's NOT all about ME. God's plan is to prosper me and sustain me through a fallen world so I can serve Him, magnify HIM and go to heaven and rest.

4. I am not the crest of creation. God's fingerprint is in me, but it is also in trees, flowers, turtles and MEN. We are all equally beautiful in God's eyes and humans are especially precious having been made in His image, but one gender is not more beautiful than the other. Hasn't this author ever seen Michelangelo's David? That's beauty...

5. The central question of my life is not: Do you see me? Am I lovely? The central question of my life is: Lord, how can I serve you on earth and glorify you eternally? (You'll note here that the central question is not about ME. It is about magnifying GOD.)

6. We never glorify God by trying to magnify ourselves. We never fill ourselves up by trying to fill ourselves up. We fill ourselves up by giving to others and serving others.

7. Examples of godly womanliness are not found in movies and love songs on the radio. They are found in Scripture. (It's interesting to note that the woman, Jan, in the book who is held up as a model of a 'captivating' woman probably has never heard of most of the 38 pop songs and movies mentioned in the book and this probably contributes to her godly, womanly, self-assured, loving character.)

8. If the only thing that speaks to my husband's heart is sex, it's not my job to spend innumerable hours seducing him, but to pray for him and go to some counseling.

9. A lot of words sound flowery and nice, but you have to actually listen to the words someone is saying to assess their value. Not all things have value and not all things have the same value. If more dating couples used this advice, there'd be a lot less divorce. If more readers used this advice, the Eldredges' would have sold a lot less books.

For a more detailed critique:

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