Sunday, May 21, 2006

Things I'm thinking about right now...

1. The Porpoise Diving Life made the Emergent/C newsletter. That happened so fast. I just saw the site myself for the first time in like February. But I guess that's when it was launched.

2. Things happen so fastly and so slowly.

3. My life is very compartmentalized right now. Is this good or bad for me? I feel unknown in so many ways and lost in a few. But only a few, so that's not as bad as usual.

4. Karen and my brother had their same birthday last week, on May 16th. Jill and I are going to visit Karen on Tuesday. That seems like a good day to go visiting: Tuesday.

5. I thought today in judgment of someone else: I don't really have enough friends to be alienating the ones that care about me. Then I thought: sometimes I alienate the ones that want my friendship because their care of me is not how I want or need to be cared for. I guess everyone has to decide for themselves. But in general, I don't want to be someone who abandons my friends at the first sign of trouble. I want to be longsuffering, and I want my friends to longsuffer me. I know it's hard for them sometimes because I am difficult and annoying. I feel bad about this every once in a while, but not that much because I can't change it.

6. My fingernails and toenails are purple. A lovely glossy fuchsia purple. I love it.

7. I slept in weird funky patterns all weekend. I slept in the daytime at odd hours and had insomnia at night. I have to fix this.

8. I started writing in my new journal today. It's lovely; it has pink roses on it and artsy silver French lettering. It has nice quotes on every fourth page, and none of them are cheesy Christian sayings. They're Shakespearean and deep. I once got lost in an entire neighborhood with only Shakespearean street names like Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. I called it Shakespeare hell and it was funny but it took a long time to get out because all the streets were circular and there was only one entrance to the tract of homes.

9. I am original and people have stolen many of my good quotes. I don't mind because I know the truth. The quote book holds the truth.

10. I am considering co-leading a recovery small group. I am trying not to overcommit myself like I always do, but I can't help loving being with messy people. I feel at home there. I am messy, just ask Jill or Alice what I look like after going to Rockharbor services. (I have learnned not to wear mascara to church. It's not worth it.)

What are you thinking about? Leave a comment cause I stink at responding to emails.


Karen said...

Iim thinking about:
1) what to do with my or OB/GYN
2) that I just put the ring my parents gave me a long time ago back on my finger and now it feel weird
3) that I can't wait to see Dawn and Jill tomorrow
4) that any minute someone I met on eharmony is going to call me
5) that I just got a pedicure and my toenails are red with flowers
6) I have a caffiene withrawl headache because I've gotten hooked on it at the hospital
7) I just cleaned my room and I'm too tired to enjoy the fact that it's clean
8) I wish I had buble gum ice cream. I used to love it as a kid but haven't had it in years. I had gum balls on friday and they were so good in a remember your childhood kid of way
9) I'm singing "lady in Red" which I haven't heard in ages but all of sudden is there....must have something to do with gum balls...or childhood
10) I love Dawn

cherryjillo said...

1) I haven't told my boss yet that I need to leave early today.
2) Karen met somebody on eharmony and I didn't even know it.
3) I'm going to South Africa in 3 weeks and I have so much to do/buy.
4) My morning coffee is kicking in.
5) Have I lost my ability to care about mankind? I've forgotten too often to love my neighbor.
6) Should I really change careers? Isn't this good enough?
7)I'm broke and I made a mistake that cost over $100 bucks, and I bought something for over $100 bucks that I don't want anymore but can't take back. I need to spend over $100 bucks on stuff for my South Africa trip.
8)Do I need to think of more items?
9)No I think I'm done.
10) I had to create an account in order to post this. I hate that.

Blogger 1.0 said...

1) I got back from CA a while ago and the weather came with me. It's beautiful here.
2) Still trying to find a job.

3) I'm too busy wit church stuff

3) I haven't talked to you since i got back to VA...long story..

4) Part of that long story...some broke into my car and stole my if i haven't had enough issues with my car...

5) i miss you...

Peaceful Wanderings said...

Right now I am thinking:
1) I havent had a good nights sleep in so long that now when I try I cant get to sleep.

2) I am interviewing for a job I feel absolutely unqualified and too weak of character at which to succeed but its where God is calling me to go. and Im wondering if its the job He has planned for me, or just the obedience to interview as He has asked.

3) There is no more room for fear in my life.

4) What ARE my priorities, and why dont I treat them like priorities?

5) I know God will find me a place to live... as June 17 draws nearer and nearer.

6) I'd rather be rock climbing.

7) Im going to miss my sister when she moves back home.

8) I hate sin, and DESPISE my sin.

9) White water rafting this weekend... Id like to stay INSIDE the boat.

10) If I hear the phrase "the daVinci code" one more time Im gonna throw something. People... just ask yourselves... "What section of the bookstore did I buy this book?" And you will find yourself answering "the Fiction section" Do you know why? BECAUSE ITS FICTION!