Thursday, April 27, 2006

Fights and Fun

Fights and fun? Yes, fights and fun. Because every day needs a little F-flavored alliteration...

Well, the fight part wasn't lovely. A friend o' mine decided she'd rather have a pet rock than me, to put it exactly, she would like to be friends but only if I promise to be silent whenever she has something to say. I figure if you want that, you can talk to your cat, cause it certainly won't talk back, but I am human and I get to be 100% of my half of a relationship. Really I'm not that bothered by it, we are all crazy and sometimes we get our goo on each other. I have faith that it will be resolved somehow and I am ok if it never is, too. But this whole thing just makes me think about how we are all broken people. Every single damned one of us. And sometimes we want to use each other and sometimes we use each other without even knowing it and it's so hard for us to just accept each other; to become large enough in our own hearts to make room for someone else to be who they are. Without becoming enmeshed. Without putting a lock on that guest room we are letting them live in and demanding payment for their stay. And I know which are the truly holy and healthy relationships I have been in because they are like rubberbands around me and that person, holding us together in love, but loose enough to stretch, to allow us both to be our own selves, to like different things, to disagree and yet love. To give us space to be individual and time to be in that space so that we will again long to be in relationship. Although I know so few good marriages, I think this is one of the keys to them. That balance of oneness as a marriage and oneness as individuals. That room to go out apart from each other and find one's self again. In finding one's self, you find that part of your self that is you alone, that part that was attractive to the other person in the first place. A relationship cannot survive this world with all of its stumbling blocks without giving each person room. Room to breathe and room to grow more fully into a whole individual, two whole individuals that can be more than the sum of their parts.

Fun...The fun is coming. I am going to an Angels game on Saturday and a Ducks game on Monday and I'm just thrilled. Bring on the team sports and the screaming fans and the beer and the drunk fans and the peanuts. And I think some dancing may be thrown into the weekend also. Weeeee!

Catch ya on the flipside.

This post was brought to you by the letter F.

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