Sunday, April 30, 2006

Every day is a winding road...

you get a little bit closer, to feeling fine...

I feel fine today. It was Sunday, or still is, and I spent a lovely day shopping and reading at the park. And I finished my book, so I went back to the bookstore and got another one by the same author. Cause she is amazing. Her writing is like gossamer wings. Which is a really tired simile, but true in this case. It is translucent webbing that looks flimsy, but is surprisingly strong and visceral. And every so often, something glints and you see the most amazing shapes of iridescence in the light.

Was reading: Range of Motion by Elizabeth Berg.
Currently reading: Things We Keep by Elizabeth Berg.

And now I am going out for sushi! Ta-ta.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Dawn, You need to start writing. When I'm old and gray I want you to help me write my autobiography. Lot of love