Wednesday, October 12, 2005

the Advent of Graduate School

Well, folks, the madness has begun. I am now currently living in Loma Linda, going to class two days a week for two 8-hour blocks, and interning with at-risk youth at a local high school three days a week. When they expect me to be able to study, I am not sure, let alone have a social life. I guess midnight to 7:00am is still open. :) Anyway, I am definitely already tired and ready for vacation, only 10 weeks to go...

On the brighter side, I had my first client session this week and it went well. I enjoy what I am doing. I guess life has been somewhat like a roller coaster lately with many highs and lows, and I am trying to get it to stabilize. I got all my enrollment problems figured out last Monday, through tears and forcing some accountability from the people who gave me bad information at the last minute. Then on Wednesday, I majorly wrecked my car by driving over a big metal rack on the 10 freeway. So I am now driving a rental car. And then I had a good weekend being at home, but now I found out my stipend is not coming in until Oct 21st, when I had been counting on it for the 15th, so I am just trying to keep my head above water until then and if you can, pray that God will come through. I have had some serious financial setbacks to the tune of about $1800 and it feels big even though I know it is small for God.


Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be neat if you superpower was to be able to go without sleep... i mean, still get all the rest and benefits of sleep, but never having to... all of a sudden you have all this extra time

sure freezing time would be much more fun, and you can sleep while everyone else is frozen... but a lot less likely to happen than figuring out how to bypass sleep


Dawn Miller said...

yeah, i'm waiting for a pill like that...know of one?