Thursday, June 12, 2008 ain't just a category for balloons

Um, yeah. I was searching for a word to describe my feelings yesterday and I discovered it. Deflated. I am getting some feedback on my work that is entirely deflating. I don't know what to do about it. I don't tend to be without self-assurance, it's more like I'm losing heart. I feel discouraged and deflated. I think I'm engaging in the way I need to be, but then I have to sit there and hear commentary on my process that doesn't engage personally with it.

I feel misunderstood and the worst part is that there's no avenue for me to respond. I hate being misunderstood and I hate feeling ineffectual. It's the worst.

What do I do with these feelings in a society that doesn't want to hear the sad, bad and angry? In a society that doesn't take time to lament?

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