Monday, March 03, 2008

Why do you buy?

About a year ago, I discovered American Apparel.

I really like their clothes, the material really is comfortable and I like the simple designs. But here's the rub, all of their advertising is overtly sexual. The main print advertising is shot with models in reclining positions, in various states of undress. (Seems counter-productive to advertise a clothing line using models without clothes on, no?) Even the snapshots of hoodies on their website are of models wearing the hoodie and underwear bottoms, without actual pants on.

I used to say, I don't care what dumb advertising companies use, I like the products I like for their quality and I buy them based on that quality. But what do I do when the company uses such clearly immoral means of selling their wares? They are preying on our society's rabid addiction to sexuality and using that to sell T-shirts. In addition, the culturally relevant church is not addressing the issue, but supporting it. The Experiment jackets are from American Apparel and were purchased by my church for our team. I don't know what to think.

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