Monday, September 10, 2007

Pathetic beyond all doubt

Beware: You may get more stupid after reading this blog.

Alternatively, you might get inspired to get further education; we'll see.

I was just watching a Taco Bell commercial for some new item they are selling where dopey-looking people (that's a technical term) hold the burrito or whatever it is arm's length away from their faces while staring blankly into the camera. Strung between their slack jaws and hands is a long string of melted cheese. While the "advertising intelligence" that went into this is appalling it doesn't even compare to what came next. The commercial shows different people all over a city in this same grotestesque pose and one of the shots is of men in business suits sitting on what I assume are supposed to be courthouse steps. Apparently this isn't "hip" enough for Taco Bell's advertising audience, so in the background you can see numerous teenagers attired in complete safety equipment doing skateboarding jumps on the steps. And although they are in the background of the shot for all of 1.5 seconds, a message flashes across the bottom: Professional skateboarders. Do not attempt. And how does my amazing brain work? This is how. I begin to ask myself: Who does that? Whose job is it to scan through commercials before they are aired and make sure any split-second instance of skateboarding or other "extreme sports" is covered with a disclaimer at the bottom? Is that seriously someone's job? If so, I am SO GLAD I'm going to graduate school, if solely to avoid a destiny of that bottom-dwelling magnitude. Thank GOD there was that disclaimer or I was going to run over to my local county courthouse and start bungee-jumping from the leaves of the Corinthian columns!

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