Sunday, February 05, 2006

I usually don't comment on foreign affairs

We're going to replace the old Iraqi government with a democracy elected by the Iraqi people in free elections and you know what's going to happen? Very little is going to change in the Middle East. Except now they won't just hate the US for invading, they will hate all Western countries. And you know why? Because it's not the government that's the problem, it's the RELIGION.

The only reason Christianity sustains a nation is because its basic premise is counter-intuitive. If its basic premise was tit for tat, we'd all have been dead long ago. Because everybody likes to pick on a Christian. But since the basic premise of Christianity is to lay down in front of an attack and say, "Come and get me, I'm going to heaven anyway" it's revolutionary. There's no longer any reason to fight, if you've already laid down your life. Ultimately, you can't kill a Christian, you can only maim him.

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