Thursday, November 17, 2005

My Supreme Joy

So, in order to extricate myself from this university is turning out to be as awful as my efforts to enroll here. I go to the University Records office and a girl tells me to get on the computer and fill out a Program Withdrawal Form. I do this and I get stuck on one check box. She says she is new and has to go ask someone who is on the phone what box I should check. (Gee, I wonder why there is such high turnover here!?!) Then, I get the form filled out and find out I have to get 3 more signatures all over campus before I can be done. Ay, ay, ay! These Adventists are killing me!


Anonymous said...

love the adventists as you would yourself, hahahah

Dawn Miller said...

No... I refuse! It is not about Christianity, it is about running a business, a school to be exact, with some kind of competence and efficiency. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be in the school business.