Thursday, January 13, 2005

Google my privacy

Ok, I am a private person. I'm not sure why this is, but I am comfortable with it. I like to know what I know about me, and if someone else wants to know, they can ask. It seems like we live in an age where we have so many resources and so much access to information, that we feel entitled to it. Well, the buck stops here. If you want to know my pundit thoughts on things that happen to me, come refresh this page as often as you like. And feel free to Google me and find out about my public life. But if you really want to know me and what's going on with me, email me. If I don't think you stink, I'll give you my phone number and you can call me up and ask me. Assumptions only do what only assumptions can do, as you probably well know...

1 comment:

Terrible lie said...

Well now the whole blog world will know ur shat