Sunday, March 17, 2002

Ok, so today I'm coming back to this page, to speak some more stuff out into space. Because I got inspired by some other weblogs and decided to bless you all with my life in print. So, here goes... tonight I volunteered at this benefit for a home for abused kids and I'm all about supporting good causes and getting a free dinner, but I have to say that I wish people would be a little more kind when you're volunteering. Cause I go there and wear a fancy dress and then they have basically nothing for us to do, and when we try to help, this lady says, "Go away, we have all the people we need." Now, I shouldn't judge based on this one lady, but this was in addition to many other prissy women who just bossed us around, and didn't give us anything to do. Then, we go sit down and the innocent waiters start serving us the "deluxe meal" and another volunteer tattles on us. All in all, I'm glad I took my mug and got out. Now I have to go shower off all the stress and makeup associated with such an evening. Laters.

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